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Saturday, July 30, 2011


weyy , perempuan kau pikir kau siapa . nk tukar password aku .-.- . kalau aku tahu kau siapa kan. aku kerjakan kau cukup-cukup . mcm sial aje . ayat kau tu tak boleh skema lagi ke . BANGANG !

Monday, February 28, 2011

The mirror changed again,
And the lights misjudged the being I really am,
Reflected another me inside;
Who disliked things that I wanted most,
Who loathed things that I needed most,
Who hated things that I loved most,
Too sure of what I really am,
Too confuse for reasons I am
Left alone in this strangest yard,
Sitting in front of myself but no one,
No one…

The mirror changed again,
And seeking for truth I was,
Truth that lies undiscovered beneath this breath,
Hidden behind the mist of the olden doors,
Covered by the shadows of these eyes, sadden,

When the mirror changed again,
Pure white lights coming through the openings,
We wonder the shape of the lights would be,
And hope again, we will,
And hope again, I will,

Sunday, February 27, 2011

saya masih sayangkan awk & saya rindukan awk

awk, saya sayangkan awk.saya ingin bersama ngan awk selalu..tapi.. awk telah menjadi milik org lain.saya tertanya-tanya adakah saya akan akan mendapat peluang 2 untuk membuktikan cinta saya pada awk atau saya tak akan mendapat peluang kedua buat selama-lamanya..saya masih tidak mendapat jawapan yg saya masih cari-cari ..